Dear all,
I programmed a function which plots a nice correlation heatmap between
various variables. However, I would like to neglect "nan" in the matrix.
I sent gnuplot the command "printf "set datafile missing 'nan'\n"
but it
doesn't work, and I still obtain the error: "warning: matrix contains
missing or undefined values. Btw, the plot is compiled nicely but I
can't get rid of this error message.
I am using gnuplot 5.0 patchlevel 4, but I remember that this issue
already occurred in previous version. Has anyone a clue?
set echo off
set messages off
function void corrheat (matrix M, strings name,
string fname "Path and name of the figure",
int fontsize "Set font size in pt",
int color[0:5:4] "Select color")
set warnings off
string path = ""
if $windows
sprintf tmpfile "@dotdir\@path"
sprintf tmpfile "@dotdir/@path"
outfile @tmpfile --write
printf "set encoding utf8 \n"
printf "set nokey \n"
printf "set term pdfcairo font 'Helvetica,%d'\n", fontsize
# Put the border more to the background by applying it
# only on the left and bottom part and put it and the tics in gray
printf "set style line 11 lc rgb \"#808080\" lt 1 \n"
printf "set border 3 back ls 11\n" # get rid of upper + left border
printf "set tics nomirror \n"
if color==1
printf "set palette defined ( 0 '#000fff', 1 '#90ff70', 2
'#ee0000') \n"
elif color==2
printf "set palette defined (0 0 0 0.5, 1 0 0 1, 2 0 0.5 1, 3 0
1 1, 4 0.5 1 0.5, 5 1 1 0, 6 1 0.5 0, 7 1 0 0, 8 0.5 0 0)\n"
elif color==3
printf "set palette maxcolors 10 \n"
elif color==4
printf "set palette rgbformulae 22,13,10 \n"
elif color==5
printf "set palette grey\n"
#printf "set palette negative \n" # reverse colorbar
# Reverse row and columns values
M = mreverse(M) #reverse rows
M = mreverse(M')'#reverse cols
scalar count = nelem(name)-1
printf "set ytics ("
loop i=1..nelem(name) -q
if i<nelem(name)
printf "\"%s\" %d, ", name[i], count
printf "\"%s\" %d", name[i], count
printf " ) font 'Helvetica,%d' out \n", fontsize #rotate by 45
scalar count = nelem(name)-1
printf "set xtics ("
loop i=1..nelem(name) -q
if i<nelem(name)
printf "\"%s\" %d, ", name[i], count
printf "\"%s\" %d", name[i], count
printf " ) font 'Helvetica,%d' out \n", fontsize #rotate by 45
printf "set xtics rotate by 45 right\n"
printf "set datafile missing 'nan'\n"
#printf "set datafile missing '0'\n"
printf "set datafile separator ' ' \n" # Discard empty entries
#add a slight grid to make it easier to follow the exact position
of the curves
printf "set style line 12 lc rgb \"#808080\" lt 0 lw 1 \n" #
grey color
#printf "set grid back ls 12\n"
printf "set style fill transparent solid 0.8 noborder \n" # set
lighter shaded area
printf "plot \\\n"
printf "'-' using 1:2:3 matrix with image\n"
loop i=1..rows(M) -q
loop j=1..cols(M) -q
if M[i,j]<0 || M[i,j]>0
printf "%.6f", M[i,j]
printf "nan"
if j<cols(M)
printf ", "
printf "\n"
printf "e \n"
outfile --close
gnuplot --input="@tmpfile" --output="@fname"
end function
# Example
open denmark.gdt -q
list y = LRM LRY IBO IDE
list y = y diff(y)
corr y
M = lower( mcorr({y}) )
M = (M ? M : NA)
matrix Obs = seq(1,rows(M))
string xlab = ""
string ylab = ""
strings names = varnames(y)
string fname = "(a)workdir/corrcheck.pdf"
scalar fs = 13
scalar color = 4
corrheat (M, names, fname, fs, color)