Thanks, very usefull article.
One more question.
I need for my work to structure a portfolio which includes different
financial instruments, and every instrument have the ratio in
portfolio. How can i modeling it in gretl program?
And please help how to draw normalised graphs of different prices
(starting from 100 for example) because when i try to draw it (graphs
with different scales) i cant consider it clearly. Thank you very
2012/5/25, Talha Yalta <talhayalta(a)>:
A good source is:
Adkins LC (2011). \Using Gretl for Monte Carlo Experiments." Journal
of Applied Econo-
metrics, 26, 880{885.
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 7:28 AM, tamerlan kabaloty
<tamerlankabaloev(a)> wrote:
> Thank you very much, now it works.
> Can you give me some advices how to use the Monte Carlo method in
> gretl? I didn't find it in the manual text book. I know there is a
> generator in the program, but is it fully of Monte Carlo method?
> And finally please tell me how to calculate returns if we have the raw
> of prices?
> Thanks
> 2012/5/23, Allin Cottrell <cottrell(a)>:
>> On Wed, 23 May 2012, tamerlan kabaloty wrote:
>>> I have downloaded gretl program and have a problem. All functions work
>>> excepting graph tools. I cant use functions like draw the row, draw
>>> residuals etc. The error is about huge number of the data (i used only
>>> 89 numbers). Other functions works perfectly.
>> Please use the current "snapshot" from
>> Allin Cottrell
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> *С уважением,*
> *Тамерлан Кабалоев*
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