On 09-01-2012, at 02:31, Sung Jin Lim wrote:
Thank you for answer
I have checked the again my estimation procedure...
and I noticed that there is the some mistake in AIDS case...
that means that the estimated coefficients of AIDS model regressed by GRETL has the same
It is almost same in the 4th digit.
But the Rotterdam Case...I am not sure..
maybe there is a mistake on the estimation...method...I lost my confidence on it
anyway..following is the code I wrote
and I attached the data
genr DivisiaQ = sw1*dq1 + sw2*dq2 + sw3*dq3 + sw4*dq4
genr wdq1 = sw1*dq1
genr wdq2 = sw2*dq2
genr wdq3 = sw1*dq3
genr wdq4 = sw2*dq4
genr rqa = wdq1+wdq2+wdq3+wdq4
genr ddp1=dp1-dp4
genr ddp2=dp2-dp4
genr ddp3=dp3-dp4
system name="Rotterdam"
equation wdq1 DivisiaQ ddp1 ddp2 ddp3
equation wdq2 DivisiaQ ddp1 ddp2 ddp3
equation wdq3 DivisiaQ ddp1 ddp2 ddp3
end system
restrict "Rotterdam"
end restrict
estimate "Rotterdam" method=sur --iterate
estimate "Rotterdam" method=3sls --iterate
estimation result
in this case I have the following estimation summery
theta p1 p2 p3 p4
0.59364 −0.1118 0.018 0.51994 −0.4262
0.03605 0.018 −0.0070 −0.0279 0.01695
0.33327 0.51994 −0.0279 −1.8410 1.349
0.03704 −0.4262 0.01695 1.349 −0.9398
But from R and RATS
I have
theta pi1
[1,] 0.44711 −0.9208 0.04375 0.87236 0.00473
[2,] 0.04094 0.04375 −0.0090 −0.0372 0.00242
[3,] 0.50526 0.87236 −0.0372 −0.8277 −0.0074
[4,] 0.00669 0.00473 0.00242 −0.0074 0.00029
You should also give the R script you used. Otherwise there is no way anybody can check