Allin Cottrell schrieb:
Sven asked -- maybe a few weeks ago -- about the possibility of
users to define matrices via the gretl GUI, in the context of supplying
matrix arguments to a packaged function.
This is now in CVS. When you call a function via the function package
GUI and a matrix is wanted, there's a "More..." button beside the
argument slot, and clicking that takes you a matrix definition dialog.
There you have 3 choices: select a list of series (you get a matrix with
a series per column); construct the matrix numerically (in this case you
start by choosing dimensions and an initial fill value, then you get a
spreadsheet-type editor); or construct the matrix using a formula.
I'm amazed and enthusiastic that you already implemented this, it's
great! Thanks a lot.
You can also define a matrix via the new menu item /Data/Define matrix.
IMHO this would fit better into the "Add" menu (probably at the bottom).
And I have two other observations:
* In the function call GUI, maybe the matrix-related button should be
named "new" instead of "more"?
* The message after clicking apply in the matrix editor seems wrong: I
get the response "No changes were made" which sounds like an error
occurred, but actually everything seems to have been applied.