Am 03.09.2024 um 18:26 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
P.S.: In connection to Peter's thread about the test statistic
calculator, I'm noticing that the produced plot for the 2-means test
is quite small overall, and so are the font sizes in it. I cannot tell
right now whether this is actually a new thing with this new snapshot.
A small update with the now-latest gtk3-ucrt-snapshot from yesterday;
the mentioned plot now seems OK (but it could be that it's particular to
this machine and screen here now).
A new thing I'm seeing is that the icons in the main window are now
quite a bit larger than before, especially relative to the font size.
Not saying that the icon sizes are bad, it's probably an improvement.
But the menu font was really small in comparison. Again, could be some
leftover setting from previous installations.