Hi Allin,
I love gretl so much, both for my own research and for teaching.
I wish I know how to correct the following minor errors on my own, but I don’t, so I’m
saving them for you. :)
1) Spelling error in file “csvdata.c” at the very end.
When I join a dataset, if there was no change, the returned message is then: "No
changes were nade to the dataset”.
2) when I select “help->keyboard shortcut”, an error occurred:”cURL error 56 (Failure
when receiving data from the peer)”
3) Once I save and close a model in icon view with a non default name, the next time when
I open it, it doesn’t show the model name on the tab.
4) Issue with graphic output from “View->Multiple graphs->X-Y scatters” or
“View->Graph specified vars->X-Y scatter” :
Font change in graph has no effect after copying it to other apps, such as powerpoint or
5) Sorting is not working correctly on some dataset’s variables, such as Mroz dataset’s
wage or lwage. Even $hat from regression that I saved on this dataset wouldn’t get sorted
correctly either. I have not noticed this issue on other datasets, however.
6) Some models in the Icons view tends to be hidden if I gave long model names. When I try
to put some models in "Model table”, this can be a problem.
7) Speaking of Model table, can’t we let it take models with different dependent
variables? All we need to do is to list the dependent variable on top of each column. Am I
8) Model table’s outputted asterisk is limited to 2, which can be different from the
original model’s output.
OK, that is all for now.
Thanks in advance for all your great work.