Am 30.04.2013 20:29, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Sun, 28 Apr 2013, artur tarassow wrote:
> I should have added that I wrote a hansl-script doing this job (see below).
> Since gnuplot-version v.4.?. one can use the "set style data boxplot"
> environment, and does not necessarily have to rely on the
> candlestick-framework, as currently implemented in gretl.
Yes, that's nice. But we're limited by whatever is the oldest
gnuplot version that we support. Right now that's version
4.4.0, which does not have the "boxplot" specifier.
Indeed it seems that this was officially released only in version 4.6
from last year, a pity, because it looks as if the feature itself was
introduced in the development version already three years ago.
This would be too recent to impose as a minimum requirement I guess, or
wouldn't it? Ubuntu has had gnuplot 4.6 since 12.10 it seems.