On Thu, 3 Feb 2011, Leon Unger wrote:
> Am 31.01.2011 21:43, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
>> string Q = "SELECT country,year,y FROM FooBase"
>> data y obs-format="%s:%d" query=Q --odbc
>> This should work if the "country" variable contains string
>> country-codes such as "FRA", "GER", etc., and the year
>> contains years as integers:
>> GER:1990 123.5
>> GER:1991 127.6
>> This assumes that the pre-existing gretl dataset has observation
>> strings on the pattern shown above.
> I created an empty panel dataset with appropriate obs:time
> combinations and then used the GUI to read in the oberservation
> markers from a txt file. I know how to create the 'normal' empty
> panel via script, but how can I get the markers directly from
> script?
Well, you could do something like this:
scalar N = 3
scalar T = 10
scalar yr0 = 1990
string s1 = "FRA"
string s2 = "GER"
string s3 = "GBR"
set echo off
outfile markers.txt --write
loop i=1..N --quiet
loop j=1..T --quiet
printf "%s:%d\n", s$i, yr0+j-1
outfile --close
That will give you a file containing the observation markers. You
can add these to a dataset using the GUI ( /Data/Observation
markers ), or, if you use the latest snapshot from
http://gretl.sourceforge.net/win32/ , you can add the markers
via script using a new option to "setobs", as in
<script continues>
scalar NT = N*T
nulldata NT --preserve
setobs T 1:01 --stacked-time-series
setobs --labels=markers.txt
Allin Cottrell
Gretl-users mailing list
http://lists.wfu.edu/mailman/listinfo/gretl-users Hi there,
wow, that's really nice!
I tried it and it works fine with a slight modification in the setobs
scalar NT = N*T
nulldata NT --preserve
setobs T 1:01 --stacked-time-series
*setobs --labels=C:\Users\Pindar\Documents\gretl\GRETL\markers.txt*
If I don't give GRETL the path, it does not find 'markers.txt' although
it's in the default location.
Have a nice weekend