Many thanks for your help, Allin. I'm ashamed to have to ask such questions,
but you got me out of a "sticky" situation there.
Marc O'Callaghan
From: "Allin Cottrell" <cottrell(a)>
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2016 7:50 PM
To: "Gretl list" <gretl-users(a)>
Subject: Re: [Gretl-users] Regression coefficients
On Thu, 7 Jan 2016, Marc O'Callaghan wrote:
>> I don't remember exactly, offhand, what the project was here, but it
>> sounnds like you need to look at the $coeff accessor (to grab the exact
>> coefficients after estimation) and the lincomb() function (to create a
>> series via a linear combination of terms).
>> Allin Cottrell
> Thanks for your answer, though I think I didn't express myself correctly.
> For the context : I am studying the evolution of max and min temperatures
> throught Feb-March-Apr of every year, with special emphasis on March. My
> main goal is to sort them into two categories : 1) when they have a
> tendency to rise during the month and 2) when they tend to sink.
> So as to avoid plotting a graph for each year and judging on the basis of
> that what the tendency is, I was planning to plot the 3rd-degree
> regression using the "polynomial trend" (or whatever it's called in
> English, I' sorry, I downloaded Gretl in French to better understand what
> the others in my group talk about) filter. Can I somehow find out what
> that polynom is ? Does this seem like an intelligent way to go ?
> If not, could you please be so good as to explain how you would recommend
> I proceed, keeping in mind that I am (to my great shame) an utter
> nincompoop in matters Gretl ?
If your dataset looks something like what I recommended in
where "yrday" is a series that runs from 1 to 90 for the 90 days starting
on Feb 1 each year and TMAX records maximum temperature, then you could
run a regression as follows
series yd2 = yrday^2
series yd3 = yrday^3
ols TMAX const yrday yd2 yd3
That will give you your 3rd degree polynomial trend for TMAX.
Allin Cottrell
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