Am 16.02.2013 16:21, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Ignacio Diaz-Emparanza wrote:
> BTW, when you ask gretl to add "periodic dummies" in such a way the names
> the dummy variables depend on the seasonal periodicity, i.e. if the data are
> quarterly the dummies are dq1,..., dq4, if the data are monthly they are
> dm1,..., dm12 if the seasonal periodicity is greather than 12 the dummies are
> dummy_1,..., dummy_99 and then dummy100, dummy101, etc
> At the risk of introducing another backward incompatible change, I would
> suggest our dear developers that a unique name should be used for the
> seasonal dummies independently on the periodicity. And I propose to use d1,
> d2, ....
I don't have any objection to that, other than the backward
incompatibility. Any others have thoughts on the matter?
Ignacio, could you explain the advantages? Or the other way around, the
disadvantages of having different names for different periodicities?
Actually, if the seasonal dummies business were touched, I would propose
to think also about covering centered seasonal dummies, as gretl already
does in the VECM case.