On Sat, 17 May 2014, oleg_komashko(a)ukr.net wrote:
To reproduce: open /gretl/POE4data/nls_panel.gdt
start (interactive) R session in R:
hours, age, exper are lost
renamed variables schmours=hours schmage=age schmexper=exper
are read ok. Seems, there must be variables' counter and a warning
message for such situations. The predetermined names sets are different
in different packages. So, one doesn't know beforehand. Should be a
Totally weird. All the series in that data file show correctly here
(current gretl CVS, R 3.1.0):
current data loaded as data frame "gretldata"
[partial output, "exper" is also
id year lwage hours age educ
1 1 82 1.808289 38 30 12
2 1 83 1.863417 38 31 12
3 1 85 1.789367 38 33 12
4 1 87 1.846530 40 35 12
5 1 88 1.856449 40 37 12
6 2 82 1.280933 48 36 17
Allin Cottrell