On Thu, 22 Dec 2011, Frederic Beister wrote:
I'm fairly new to gretl and intend to use it mainly as a tool to
faciliate my research. I'm a computer scientist and in no way an
econometrician. I'm currently looking into ARMA models and all
variations thereof (SARIMA, ARIMA, ...).
I'm trying to model time-series with ARMA models like this (on a big
computing machine because locally it might take too long)
m1 <- arima 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 ; Pwr
Now I have a model stored as m1 - from the GUI I know that I
can plot several graphs such as residuals etc.. How do I do
this with the CLI or how can I "export" the model to my
local machine so that I can use it there?
Others have made good suggestions; I'll add 2 cents.
If you want to explore the models using gretl on your local
machine, try Sven's suggestion of saving a "session" file on
the remote machine and copying it to the local one. This will
enable you to draw graphs and so on without re-estimating the
If you want to export the results of the models so they're
usable with either gretl or other software you can:
(a) Via the CLI, access data such as $coeff, $uhat and so on
and write these out as matrices. See chapter 13 of the Gretl
User's Guide on Matrices, especially the sub-section on
"Reading and writing matrices from/to text files".
(b) Via the GUI, in a model window, go to /Edit/Copy and
choose comma-separated: this will give you something you can
paste into a spreadsheet.
Allin Cottrell