Dear Logan,
I made some tests and I'm getting the same problem as the one described by
you. Please take a look at my simple example:
open australia.gdt
series line1 = PAU # black: #000000
series line2 = 0.1 * PAU # red: #FF0000
series line3 = 0.2 * PAU # blue: #0000FF
# Color definition works!
gnuplot line1 line2 line3 \
{ set key left top;\
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set linestyle 2 lc rgb "#FF0000";\
set linestyle 3 lc rgb "#0000FF";}\
--time-series --single-yaxis --with-lines --output=display
# Color definition works!
gnuplot line1 line2 line3 \
{ set key left top;\
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set linestyle 2 lc rgb "#FF0000";\
set linestyle 3 lc rgb "#0000FF";}\
--time-series --single-yaxis --with-lines --output=logan.png
# Color definition doesn't work!
gnuplot line1 line2 line3 \
{ set key left top;\
set linestyle 1 lc rgb "#000000";\
set linestyle 2 lc rgb "#FF0000";\
set linestyle 3 lc rgb "#0000FF";}\
--time-series --single-yaxis --with-lines --output=logan.eps
I am using Gretl 1.9.11cvs on Windows Vista.
Best regards,
Henrique Andrade*