On Wed, 4 Nov 2020, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti wrote:
On Wed, 4 Nov 2020, Petru Calenici wrote:
> My name is Petru and I'm starting to use Gretl for the first time,
> attending an introductory course to Econometrics.
> I have found some problems when trying to use Gretl, version 2020d for MS
> Windows (x64 bit). [...]
This sounds very much like a bug that a user reported a couple of weeks ago
that we were unable to reproduce and, consequently, to fix. Are you, by any
chance, using the 32-bit windows gretl version on a 64-bit Windows system?
If so, does the problem persist if you install the 64-bit version? Thanks!
Just to add a little to Jack's comment: you can see which version of
gretl (32- or 64-bit) is installed under /Help/About gretl.
In principle there shouldn't be any problem running 32-bit gretl on
64-bit Windows but something seems to be wrong with the downloading
facility in that case, though we haven't been able to reproduce the
problem yet.
Allin Cottrell