Hi everyones, I'm a new Gretl user and I have a huge "mission" to do with
the program.
First of all, I have 883 times series variable to deflate.
The name of series are I001EX through I999EX, and I001IM through I999IM and
finally I001IMT through I999IMT.
Each of this times series matrix have to be "deflated", divided by an other
time serie namely def_us (the deflator).
I want to program a kind of loop to "genr" all of this times series data
"deflated", an other 883 series.
After this, for all of this new times series variable (883) I have to
regressed in OLS with some explicative variable.
Again I want to create a loop, not to do so 883 times, one by one.
Finally, I want, all my results being exportable in block to an Excel or the
OpenOffice table, once.
This part, I honestly have no clue how to do this things at all, or if it's
at least possible.
Thank you very much