welcome to gretl.
Am 22.12.2011 13:53, schrieb Frederic Beister:
Now I have a model stored as m1 - from the GUI I know that I can plot
several graphs such as residuals etc.. How do I do this with the CLI or
how can I "export" the model to my local machine so that I can use it there?
I'd say that the stored models are associated with the "session"
concept, which is basically GUI-only. So either you could save your work
in a session file (.gretl -- assuming you have gretl running with GUI
access on the remote machine).
Or you could abandon the stored models and use the various dollar
accessor functions in your script to save the objects you really need
(like $uhat etc., check out the function reference under the help menu
or the corresponding help pdf doc). These objects you can store in
various ways and transfer them to your local machine.