On Sun, 17 Dec 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> OK, I agree that's not an unreasonable expectation. I'll
> modify "store" to do that, but leave the option of using a
> leading dot to mean "save in the PWD", as in
> store ./foo.csv --csv
thanks, that's great!
Done, in CVS.
> What do you think of the idea, for quarterly and monthly data,
> of putting in the "date" or "obs" field the date which opens
> the period, in YYYY-MM-DD notation (or YYYY/MM/DD??). This
> would mean that a spreadsheet program ought to be able to get
> the time-series information right. For annual we'd just print
> the year.
Well, the disadvantage is that a parser could not infer the
frequency from one date alone. (Apart from the special-casing
issue for annual data.) So I would rather keep something like
yyyyq and yyyymm; in principle we don't need any separator at
all, the rule "4 digits: annual, 5 digits: quarterly, 6 digits:
monthly: 8 digits: daily" would be enough. However, I can also
see the virtue of being a little more explicit, so some
separator characters are fine with me.
For now, in CVS I have, for example, "1975Q3" for quarterly, and
"2004M07" for monthly (without the surrounding quotes in the
actual CSV file). I have made sure that CVS gretl can read these
formulations back from CSV and get the dates right.
(Oh, I almost forgot about weekly data, but I guess the gretl's
practice of using starting days' dates is the best one can do.)
May I repeat the question about the (im)possibility of shell
escapes ('!') in functions? Then one could call any external
engine one likes and provide a nice gretl function package
interface for others (and oneself). For example it may also be
nice to plug in some R routines in this way.
I see your point. My concern is to ensure that gretl doesn't
become a vector for malware. Maybe this is paranoid, but paranoia
seems reasonable given the current state of the internet. Anyone
else have thoughts on this?