Am 01.05.2019 um 06:08 schrieb Fred Engst:
Hi all,
I've extracted a set of time series data from gretl’s St. Louis FRED a few years ago,
and am interested in updating the series to the latest viable date.
Instead of doing it one at a time using the GUI, I’m interested in using a script for
this task. I looked online, checked on the mail list, and found none.
Any suggestion?
Maybe something like this (untested):
# Grab the same series from 'fedstl' again
open myoldfile.gdt # or have it open already
matrices oldnames = varnames(dataset)
open fedstl --www --preserve
loop i=1..nelem(oldnames) -q
string name = oldnames[i]
catch data @name
if $error
printf "Grabbing %s failed\n", name