Dear all,
I would like to change the resolution of a graph. See the following example
open denmark.gdt -q
list lplot = LRM LRY
P1 <- plot lplot
options with-lines time-series
literal set terminal pngcairo size 720,320 enhanced font 'Verdana,12'
end plot --output="display"
which doesn't adapt the resolution accordingly. However, doing the
following steps creates the correctly sized figure:
1) right click on object P1 in the icon view --> Edit plot commands
2) Add the following to line 14: set terminal pngcairo size 720,320
enhanced font 'Verdana,12'
3) Save (Cmd+s) and run (Cmd+r) within the window, and close the window.
4) re-open P1
Is there a reason why setting the resolution is not allowed? I am
surprised to see that the "set terminal ..." line does not appear in the
written gnuplot-script even though it's within the plot-block.