Cristian Rigamonti schrieb:
On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 12:19:06AM +0100, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> While I was working on de.po (sort of offline), the cvs-version changed,
> and when I updated my local tree, the cvs-client indicated a conflict.
> Should I have committed before trying another update?
Yes, to avoid conflicts it's best practice to commit changes as soon as they are
Thanks for your help; just for clarification, do you mean "don't wait
too long" or do you mean "commit first, not checking for updates before
> And what do I do now to resolve the conflict and merge my changes?
So I suggest to use the "merge" feature of your favourite
po editor (e.g.
poedit, kbabel...) to automatically transfer the new translated strings from
your old working copy (the cvs client should have saved a copy as
".#de.po.revision") to the newer cvs revision.
I will do that tonight, I'm using poedit on win (basically the only
choice...). Could there arise any further problems if yet another de.po
update appears in the meantime, before I can merge the changes?