I am estimating a model by passing a list of variables and extra items
in bundle to a user defined function
I would like to be able to print out results that include the
effective sample period in the same way the OLS procedure does
smpl 1995:4 2012:4
list xlist= x1 x2 x3 x4
ols y const xlist
prints ==>
Model 1: OLS, using observations 1985:1-2012:4 (T = 112)
Dependent variable: y
... plus results ...
My function would be defined as
function bundle bestimate(list xlist, bundle bmodel)
end function
In my case it is most convenient to put all variables in xlist and
pull out the first as the dependent variable. I can figure
everything I need except how to capture the smpl dates for a printout.
Any suggestions? I would especially like to be able to show the
effective dates for any cases where lags create missing observations
or the data ends before the last smpl date.