On Sun, March 5, 2006 23:06, Allin Cottrell wrote:
On Sun, 5 Mar 2006, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> When I follow your exact steps, I don't get a crash, either! What
> I did before is to use a right-button-click (context menu) to add
> the model to the table, and that's how the crash still happens...
Ah, OK, I think we're getting somewhere. I forgot to update the
right-click code when I updated the drag-and-drop code. Hopefully
this will be an easy fix. New snapshot soon.
Maybe something more obscure and sinister is at work. I tried isolating the
problem on my virtual win box and found something quite disturbing:
1) Open a command prompt (Programs->Accessories on all windows versions, I guess)
2) cd to the gretl installation directory (c:\userdata\gretl\ by default)
3) run the command-line version (type "gretlcli" at the command prompt)
4) type "q" to exit the session (type enter for not saving the results)
5) Crash!
The problem may be related to the fact that I am not using a physical box, but
an emulated virtual machine, so would you all windows people please try on
your PCs to see what happens?
Riccardo "Jack" Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
FacoltĂ di Economia "G. FuĂ "