> One possible issue associated with this suggestion is that this
> increases further the number of open windows in gretl. The need to
> constantly move across quite independent windows is something that
> sometimes I find really annoying. I appreciate the reasons behind this
> strategy and I am not suggesting to switch to a completely different
> setting. A possible escape and, according to me, a way to have the best
> of both worlds is giving users the possibility to join/divide the
> frames. I am thinking about something similar to what you can do in
> Blender:
> If you introduce also the possibility to save a given arrangement, this
> will give the possibility to easily customize the workspace in a very
> flexible way, without harming users with small screens. This way a user
> can also easily recreate any frame arrangement he/she is more familiar
> with (rstudio, stata, matlab,eviews...). (Any small change that reduces
> switching costs should be welcome if we want to increase the number of
> users.)
This has been discussed many times. I personally don't want the gretl GUI
to become a window manager, and I think Allin feels the same way too. By
the way, have you tried Alt-PgUp/Alt-PgDn?
Dear developers,
I think that if Gretl will be used on tablet (maybe even phones)
then the
problem on multiple window should be analyzed in depth.
- the workflow is different on a tablet versus your PC , and even if there
are some great keyboards it's kind a difficult to use shortcuts
- allowing user to have the possibility of pinning the windows would be
great (attached you can find a screenshot with Rstudio and Gretl running in
a web browser)
Possible solution:
- an approach similar to Gimp (single window as an option)
- or reducing the number of new windows - output and graph one window
different tabs, logs and script one window (different tabs) etc.