On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 09:07:10AM -0400, Allin Cottrell wrote:
* This could be got around if we had a separate menu tree
dedicated to "descriptive statistics and graphs", but people
seemed to like the idea of reducing the number of menu trees,
and I'm not sure what a snappy title for the notional added tree
would be ("View"?).
Well, "View" seems a reasonable choice, it parallels the "Add" menu
If the number of top-level menus is really a problem (personally, I don't think
so), another option could be to transform the "Add" and "View"
branches into
submenus of the "Data" menu, as in:
(current content of "Add")
Graph specified vars
Multiple graphs
Summary statistics
Correlation matrix
Multivariate statistics
Display values
Edit values
Add observations
Remove extra observations
Read info
Edit info
Print description
Add case markers
Remove case markers
But IMHO this solution would have an excessive degree of nesting (which I
dislike more than the overall number of toplevel menus).
My preferred solution would be the following:
Display values
Edit values
Add observations
Remove extra observations
Read info
Edit info
Print description
Add case markers
Remove case markers
Dataset structure \
Compact data | Items moved here from "Sample"
Expand data |
Transpose data /
(current content)
Graph specified vars \
-------------------- |
Multiple graphs |
-------------------- | Items moved here from "Data"
Summary statistics |
-------------------- |
Correlation matrix |
-------------------- /
Multivariate statistics
Set range
Restore full range
Define based on dummy
Restrict based on criterion
Random subsample
Drop all obs with missing values
Count missing values
Set missing value code
- We'd have 8 top level menus instead of 7 (doesn't seem a big problem to me,
given that the overall structure is way more intuitive)
File | Tools | Data | Add | View | Sample | Variable | Model
(by the way, is this the "right" order? or it may be improved?)
- The "Data" menu would not be overcrowded (13 items instead of 14)
- All the commands that modify the dataset would be under "Data", not under
"Sample" (I guess you know I'm obsessioned by that! :)
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