Gretl 2020d, Windows 64-bit.
I give the command
matrix meancolumnsB = meanc(B)
The matrix "meancolumnsB " is generated as a single-row matrix as
expected, but with "nan" in all its cells.
I can see the matrix B ok, it is a 10000 X 9 matrix, I can copy-paste
it, export it in spreadsheet etc.
What I observe is that there are 6 rows in the "B" matrix with "nan"
So it appears that the meanc() function , in contrast to the mean()
function, cannot skip missing values?
If this is the case can we do something about it? The matrix B collects
results from MLE simulations, and there are various instances where we
are bound to get a "nan" value (the MLE did not converge, or the B may
collect the elements of the Hessian but the Hessian is not computable
and the algorithm drops back to OPG, etc)
Note: I also run
matrix meanrowsB = meanr(B)
Here, the result came out ok, with a "nan" result for the 6 rows of
that were filled with "nan" originally. But what would happen if in some
row I would have some numbers and some "nan"? Will the meanr() return
then a "nan" result?
Alecos Papadopoulos PhD
Athens University of Economics and Business