On Mon, 5 Mar 2012, Henrique Andrade wrote:
Dear Gretl Community,
In a "Principal Component Analysis" context, is there an accessor that can
be used for retrieve the component loading coefficients into a matrix?
No, but you can easily get such a matrix by using eigensym() on the
correlation (or covariance) matrix of the list of series (converted
to a matrix). Example:
open data7-12
list L = wbase length width height weight cyl liters
matrix C = mcorr({L})
matrix V
eigensym(C, &V)
print V # eigenvectors = loadings
# compare the PCA printout
pca L
Note that eigensym() orders things by ascending value, so the
loadings associated with the first principal component are in the
last column of V.
Allin Cottrell