Dear all,
I've got a couple questions regarding tsls and the automatic specification tests gretl
First, in a model with k (potentially) endogenous regressors, gretl seems to use k-1
degrees of freedom for the Hausman test rather than k. My impression is that gretl uses
the "variable addition" form (eg, Greene p. 323), is that right? If so,
shouldn't the the df be k?
The specific model I'm using is from Verbeek's "schooling" data set. Log
wage is the dependent variable, with "black", "south76" and
"smsa76" as exogenous regressors; education, experience and its square
("ed76", "exp76", "exp762") are instrumented regressors. The
instruments are age, its square, and a "near college" dummy (plus the 3
exogenous x's). If I "align" the regressor and instrument lists like this:
Model 21: TSLS, using observations 1-3010
Dependent variable: lwage76
Instrumented: ed76 exp76 exp762
Instruments: const black smsa76 south76 nearc4a age76 sq_age76
then I don't get the weak instruments test. But if I switch the order to this:
Instruments: const black smsa76 south76 age76 sq_age76 nearc4a
I get the test, but with all 0's for the critical values:
Weak instrument test -
Cragg-Donald minimum eigenvalue = 1.53611
Critical values for TSLS bias relative to OLS:
bias 5% 10% 20% 30%
value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Similar things happen with over-identified models (although in that case I get non-zero
critical values). I don't know as much about these tests as I should, but does the
ordering of the instruments really matter?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Dr. Peter Summers
Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Texas Tech University