You may be interested to hear of some recent enhancments to the
gretl GUI. These are in CVS and the snapshots for Windows and OS
* Re-ordering of series in dataset. Up till now the only way to
change the order of the series in a gretl dataset was to save
the data under a different name (selecting a revised order for
the series via the "store" command or the GUI dialog), then
copy the new gdt file over the old one. Now you can make
changes via the GUI. Select a series and either right-click
and choose "Edit Attributes" (or type "e") to get the Edit
Attributes dialog. This now has an "ID number" spinner which
lets you reposition the variable. (But note that if you have
defined named lists, or saved models, you will not be able to
make a change that disturbs the order of series that are
referenced by such objects.) If you then save the dataset, the
new order is preserved when you reopen it.
* Re-ordering of regressors in the model selection
dialog. Suppose you have a list of regressors in place in the
right-hand pane of the model dialog, and for reasons of
presentation or comparability you want to change their
order. Up till now you would have to remove the regressors
from the list then refill it in the preferred order. Now you
can select one or more series names and right-click to get a
popup menu with Up and Down arrows. Use these to shift terms
as you wish. (But note that since the constant is always
automatically placed first in gretl output, this popup menu is
not available when the constant is selected.)
* Named lists of series. In the main window's Data menu there
are two new items: "Define list" and "Select listed
variables". "Define list" lets you create a named list; if
more than one series is selected when you choose this item the
selected series are shown as the default list-members (but you
have a chance to alter this). "Select listed variables" gives
you a dialog with a pop-down menu containing all
currently-defined lists: if you choose one, the members of
that list are automatically selected in the main window (so
you can then right-click to get summary statistics, a
correlation matrix, or whatever, for the listed variables).
* Main window right-click menu with multiple series selected,
correlation matrix option: this now presents an initial dialog
with the option of imposing a uniform sample for all the
pairwise correlations, in case of missing data. This
corresponds to the --uniform option for the "corr" command.
Allin Cottrell