Am 02.05.2024 um 11:51 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
On 02/05/2024 11:00, Rigoberto Perez Suarez wrote:
> ...
> This code does not work properly. It is necessary to include a new
> parenthesis in the quotient (l.$x/l.$x(-1)) (which would not be
> necessary) to perform the operation correctly.
Uhm, the syntax above works fine here, with respect to the number of
parentheses. However, it seems that we do have another problem: the
script below produces bogus results, which are evident if you run it
(the series "foo" and "ty1" should be identical).
This is due to the fact that the "listname.$x" idiom is _not_ valid
outside functions: it's a special provision to ensure that series
names coming from the outside level of execution don't clash with
locally-defined series.
I think this should be intercepted somehow, and possibly an error
should be flagged.
Well, I thought so, too. However, even inside a function there seems to
be a problem. Test case:
open denmark
list L = LRM LRY
function void checko(list L, series LRM)
list Lt = deflist()
loop foreach x L
series t$x = round(10000*(L.$x/L.$x(-1)-1))/100
Lt += t$x
# compare
series myt_LRM = round(10000*(LRM/LRM(-1)-1))/100
eval sum(abs(myt_LRM - Lt[1])) # should be zero
end function
checko(L, LRM)
At first sight this looks pretty bad, to be honest.
Thanks for the report.