After countless attempts and many halleluias, I got there:
matrix tmp = B.coeff~B.SE
strings vnames = defarray("const", "X")
modprint tmp vnames
Il 17/10/2024 15:28, Paolo Chirico ha scritto:
Hello everyone
I have two 2x1 matrices: B.coeff and B.SE. I would like to use the
modprint command, but I have problems with the variable names.
For example, the following command gives me an error:
modprint {B.coeff, B.SE} " const, X"
What is the correct command?
Paolo Chirico
RU e Prof.Agg. di Statistica Economica
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Dip. di Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche,
Economiche e Sociali (DIGSPES)
Alessandria, Italia