On Tue, 12 Feb 2019, klaus.hasenbach(a)web.de wrote:
Hi Allin,
thank you very much. Hopefully I installed it right. I just have
overwritten the new gnf-file (APi v22) with the old ( API v21?
But now I have the same problem which I raised already in Dezember last
year. There must be an newer one of v21 than you send to me. After my
posting you had rewritten the API v21 at the 11th of Dezember 2018 and
everything worked well with this version.
Can you giv me the downloadlink to this particular version that I can
try again?
The file at
is in fact the December 12 version using the v21 API (although the
data recorded in the gfn file is lagging). It contains the necessary
"v21" element in the dbnomics URL.
I've run your OECD and BIS test script using this version with mixed
results: one minute it works fine, on the next invocation I get
"Internal Server Error"! This looks like flakiness at the dbnomics