I thought I'd broadcast a recent change in gretl git and snapshots:
the "install" command (for installing function packages) has been
replaced by a new "pkg" command. (But don't worry, the old one will
still work until further notice, though its documentation has been
dropped and it won't appear syntax-highlighted any more.)
You can get help on "pkg" in the updated command reference, but it's
quite similar to the prior syntax. The --local option behaves
exactly as before. Here are some translations:
old: install foo
new: pkg install foo
old: install foo --remove
new: pkg unload foo
old: install foo --purge
new: pkg remove foo
So you now need an "action word" (install, unload or remove) between
the command word "pkg" and the name of the target package. It also
struck me that the new "unload" and "remove" are maybe more
self-explantory that the old "remove" and "purge".
This is mostly cosmetic -- it was kinda offensive to the logical
mind to type "install foo --remove"! -- but it also puts us on track
to adding new modes for "pkg" if and when they seem useful ("query",
for example, or perhaps "list" to show all installed packages, which
wouldn't require a package name).