Am 22.07.2024 um 17:45 schrieb Artur T.:
Please try the following command:
pkg install knn
This works fine here.
Am 22.07.24 um 16:46 schrieb Meridiana GeoTopo:
> Hi there.
> I've been trying to get the package from the server for over a week
> now. It says it cannot retrieve it.
Hi, apart from Artur's command-based instructions, I have just tested
the installation from within gretl (the GUI program) successfully, so we
cannot reproduce your problem. Please describe in detail how you are
trying to fetch and install the package and where it fails. Notice that
no manual download is needed, the recommended way is to do it either
from within gretl via File / Function packages / On server (or the
translated equivalent menu names), or by clicking on the "fx" button at
the bottom of the window and then in the new window on the rightmost
button at the top (Look on server).