Allin Cottrell schrieb:
On Mon, 19 Oct 2009, Allin Cottrell wrote:
> I'll add a fix shortly, to ensure that when observations are
> added implicitly in the context of forecasting, this gets
> recorded in the command log.
That's now done, in CVS and the Windows snapshot.
Thanks, worked that out.
I'm getting there step by step, just one missing :)
My gretl batch command set:
open TempData1.csv
setobs 24 1:01 --time-series
arima 1 0 1 ; 2 1 0
dataset addobs 6
fcasterr 2:01 2:06
works good so far.
Now I wanted to procure gnuplot a graph like Figure 9.13 on page 135 of
Time series plot with forecast and confidence interval.
I tried "fcasterr 2:01 2:06 --plot" but gretl -b script does nothing, I
can't find any PLT or other files.
? fcasterr 2:01 2:06 --plot
For 95% confidence intervals, z(.025) = 1.96
Obs temp prediction std. error 95% confidence interval
2:01 37.7295 0.718507 36.3212 - 39.1378
.. 2:06 36.4813 1.86236 32.8311 - 40.1316
gnuplot itself works:
? gnuplot temp hour --with-lines --time-series
wrote /home/user/gretl/gpttmp01.plt
I look through the documentation, but I can't find how to procure that
special gnuplot using gretl command line utility with linux.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance,