On Tue, 23 Jun 2009, Talha Yalta wrote:
Thanks very much for all the updates.
>> 4)-When there is a large number of observations (such as over
>> 500 in USMacroM.gdt), for forecasting, using "error bars" for
>> the confidence interval creates a messy graph where the
>> observations and the forecasts are completely covered with the
>> error bars.
> We'll try forcing non-use of errorbars for T > 160.
Do you think this can be solved by changing the order of drawing? I
mean, by first drawing the confidence intervals and then the other
lines on top of it.
Not really a fix, I think. With enough observations the error
bars run into each other and you get a visual mess.
>> 12)-Finally, the labels in the summary statistics window
>> be not aligned properly in my translation...
> I think this should be fixed now.
As I understand, the fix involves vertically listing each variable
with its own little summary statistics table...
That's only if you select a single variable for summary
statistics. That hasn't changed lately. If you select two or
more variables you get a combined table.