I have installed the snapshot version.
If I try to load an old simulation session, gretl suddenly quits.
This only happens with old sessions where there was a bundle of a state
space model.
With other old sessions there are no opening problems.
If I create a new session myself, when I issue the command: "bundle SVMt
= ksetup({y, z}, H, F, B, C)", gretl gives me an error message.
However, the command works in the 2021d version without problems, but
the ksmooth function cannot be repeated with the last version (2021d)!
Il 25/01/2022 12:55, Sven Schreiber ha scritto:
Am 25.01.2022 um 10:33 schrieb Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti:
> Thanks, Artur, this is very helpful. It looks as if we had some sort
> of bug that got fixed as a side-effect by the recent Kalman rewrite.
> We were planning to have the new version out by the end of the week
> anyway.
> Could you please try my script on a recent snapshot to see if my
> conjecture holds?
I ran the script included in a previous message of yours on a Jan 19th
snapshot on Windows without apparent problems.
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Paolo Chirico
Università del Piemonte Orientale
Dip. di Giurisprudenza e Scienze Politiche,
Economiche e Sociali (DIGSPES)
Alessandria, Italia
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