Dear All,
I would like to estimate a symmetric VAR(1) process
y = Ay(-1) + u
where u is random variable with variance covariance matrix S.
Symmetric in the sense that the diagonal elements of A are equal and the
off-diagonals are equal, i.e. a11 = a22 and a12=a21. But now the
problem: I also want to restrict the variance covariance matrix to be
symmetric, that is, the variances should be the same.
Therefore my question: How can I impose restrictions on the estimated
variance covariance matrix? Any ideas?
What I did:
# set the model up as a system
"model1" <- system
equation y1 const y1(-1) y2(-1)
equation y2 const y2(-1) y1(-1)
endog y1 y2
end system
# and estimate it in various ways
restrict model2
end restrict
estimate "model1" method=ols
Thanks a lot and best,
Dominik Menno
RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 64
52064 Aachen
Tel: +49 (0)241/80 96 286
Fax: +49 (0)241/80 92 337