Dear Allin,
I can't find a way to display "&" in the graph. When I open a saved
gretl shows it, but when I save it in eps format, it does not take that
Suggestions? Thank you very much!
2013/5/19 Gabriela Nodari <gabriela.nodari(a)>
Thank you very much! Now it works! I will check the help to change
because it is not taking times bold with a large size.
Thanks again
On 19/05/2013 10:20 AM, "Allin Cottrell" <cottrell(a)> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 May 2013, Gabriela Nodari wrote:
> > Thank you for your answer.
> > I got the output saved in eps format. However, it consists only of a
> part
> > of the whole graph. I don't know what is going on. Could you please
> take a
> > look to my code? The data reports IRFs results.
> >
> > Please notice that I have reduce the time horizon for ease of
> exposition,
> > i.e. you will find "xrange" until 60, whereas I have reported here
> 4
> > point estimates per IRF.
> >
> > set term postscript eps "Times New Roman Bold,13" size 640,480
> You're asking here for a plot that's 640 x 480 inches (the
> inch being the default unit when specifying the size of an EPS
> plot). Make that something sane and you should be OK.
> More generally, in gnuplot, try "help postscript".
> Allin Cottrell
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