Dear gretl people,
I have been observing the development of gretl for some time now, and
last week I started to dig a little deeper. In my opinion it's very
nice, because it is 1. fairly intuitive, 2. cross-platform, 3. well
documented, 4. scriptable, 5. free. I think it really fills a gap in
the open-source statistics world as a data browser, quick-visualizer,
and manipulation tool. (So far I mostly use GiveWin for that, not liking
that it only runs on Windows.) Thanks to the developer(s?) for making
this program!
now for something completely different: I'm having problems with the
following gnuplot command (within gretl, of course):
gnuplot verteilf sortiert --with-impulses --suppress-fitted { set style
data steps; }
In the resulting plt file, the part in braces does not appear, although
according to the manual (Aug2005) it should. Is that a bug?
Secondly, if I use this one:
gnuplot verteilf sortiert { set style data steps; }
the part in braces appears in the plt file, but doesn't make any
difference to the visual output. I suspect that's because the
"steps"-setting is reverted in the plot command where it says "w
Is there any way around this limitation?
Thanks for your help!