Em 12 de março de 2011 Allin <cottrell(a)wfu.edu> escreveu:
> > But we have missing observations... How can we handle this?
> I have no idea how this could work, in a time-series model
> lags. That's why I went for the combined version.
Dear Allin, I made a deeper analysis in the RATS operationalization and I
discovered that what it does is equivalent to put zeros at the "NA"
*open** australia.gdt*
*list Y = PAU IAU E*
*series* z = normal()
*scalar* tau = 1.5
*series* r1 = z(-1) >= tau
*series* r2 = 1-r1
*loop foreach* i Y
*series* $i_r1 = r1 * $i
*series* $i_r2 = r2 * $i
list regime1 = *_r1
list regime2 = *_r2
"VAR Regime 1"
1 regime1
"VAR Regime 2"
1 regime2
Thanks a lot for your always kindly and valuable help!
*Henrique C. de Andrade*
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul