Dear gretl users,
especially those working with so-called Structural Time Series Models,
please note that the two packages BSMestim(.gfn) and LLTestim(.gfn) will
be removed from the package server soon. These packages covered the
"Basic Structural Model" and the "Local Linear Trend" model, and this
functionality is now included (has been for a while) in the newer
package StrucTiSM(.zip).
Background: The author of those packages is gretl veteran Ignacio
Díaz-Emparanza who did a pioneering job years ago programming the
necessary Kalman filter "manually" in gretl's language hansl. But for
some years now gretl has had a native Kalman filter engine for
state-space modeling (see ch. 33 of the user guide). This made it
possible to develop the more general package StrucTiSM (for the current
package version you need at least gretl 2017d).
Ignacio's original implementation will still be an interesting and
inspiring example of programming with hansl, so the code will be turned
into two additional example scripts that are shipped with gretl. (See
File/Script files/Practice scripts...)
If for some reason you rely on these two packages, please keep local
copies for yourself on your machine.