On Wed, 16 Nov 2016, George Matysiak wrote:
> I have created two random samples of size 20 each and would like
> combine them into one sample of size 40. Is this possible? Thanks.
> Yes it's possible, but it would help if you describe what you want to
> achieve. For example, why you cannot draw the size-40 set in one go.
I am drawing the two samples from different sub-sets - each sub-set was
conditioned on a different dummy variable i.e. they are different
populations from which I am drawing a sample.
One approach here would be:
1. Make your first sample, and save the sub-sampled data to file
("store" command); say this is sample1.gdt
2. Do the same with your second sample, call this sample2.gdt
3. Open sample1.gdt and append sample2.gdt ("append" command).
Allin Cottrell