I've just tried to run the gretl sample script "hall_cbapm". It results,
however, in an error for this example:
# iterated estimation, identity matrix for initial weights
gmm e = delta*ewr*consrat^(alpha-1) - 1
orthog e ; inst
weights V0
params alpha delta
end gmm --iterate
The error message on ubuntu 19.04 using latest git is:
# iterated estimation, identity matrix for initial weights
? gmm e = delta*ewr*consrat^(alpha-1) - 1
? orthog e ; inst
? weights V0
? params alpha delta
? end gmm --iterate
Tolerance = 1.81899e-12
Norm of gradient 7.45054 exceeds maximum of 5
Error executing script: halting
end gmm --iterate
As this is an sample script, it should not throw an error I would say.