On Sun, 20 Nov 2016, cociuba mihai wrote:
Dear Allin,
the error is still present.
What kind of other information is necessary in order to eliminate this bug?
Can you verify the content of /home/acer/.gretl/gretl_export.ado ?
With current git, this file should read:
program define gretl_export
version 8.2
local matrix `1'
local fname `2'
tempname myfile
cd "/home/acer/.gretl"
file open `myfile' using "`fname'", write text replace
local nrows = rowsof(`matrix')
local ncols = colsof(`matrix')
file write `myfile' %8.0g (`nrows') %8.0g (`ncols') _n
forvalues r=1/`nrows' {
forvalues c=1/`ncols' {
file write `myfile' %15.0e (`matrix'[`r',`c']) _n
file close `myfile'
And it seems to me that should ensure that vcv.mat gets written to
your "dotdir".