On Fri, 27 Feb 2015, Artur T. wrote:
I've got another question regarding gnuplot. At the moment gretl
automatically draws a 2nd yaxis (if it is not suppressed by the
"--single-yaxis" option) if a certain criteria is fulfilled.
However, is there a way to specify manually a separate variable
(or a list of vars) to a 2nd yaxis?
Not within gretl's "gnuplot" command; you'd have to take charge of
that yourself.
Reverting to the time data business for a moment: what actually
happens here is that if you specify "set xdata time" gnuplot
rewrites the x-axis values as seconds since some reference point --
in current gnuplot that's the unix "epoch" which begins at the start
of 1970. So a preset x range based on your x numbers in the
200-thousands would translate to a few hours or days in January
1970. No wonder no data were shown!
We now (CVS) try to be a little smarter: we check if the "literal"
argument to gnuplot contains "set xdata time", and if so we don't
attempt to set the x range.
We print an x-range setting in gretl-generated gnuplot scripts only
because sometimes this seems to come out quite sub-optimally in
gnuplot itself. The x range can be "too tight" in that you get data
points that are right on the y-axis and therefore hard to see. We
try to ensure that there's a little elbow room around the minimum
and maximum x-values in the data.