Someone asked me instructions on how to produce a "fan chart" (aka "rivers
of blood" chart) in gretl. These are typically used for density forecasts.
So I wrote a little function that I'm sharing here, if anyone is
interested. It's very rough, but I'm sure anyone with a decent knowledge
of hansl can customise it as per their needs.
Attention developers: I'0m not using the newly-introduced "band" option to
plot here, since you need more than one at the same time. Maybe we could
think about extending the syntax to "plot" in the future.
function string fanchart(series y, series se, matrix alphas)
matrix a = mreverse(sort(vec(alphas)))
scalar n = rows(a)
matrix X = {y , misszero(se)}
strings colcodes =
scalar rand = ceil(1000*muniform(1,1))
string gfname = sprintf("\"(a)dotdir/\"", rand)
string dfname = sprintf("(a)dotdir/tmp%03d.dat", rand)
outfile @gfname --write --quiet
printf "set nokey\nset ylabel '%s'\n", argname(y)
printf "plot \\\n"
loop i = 1..n --quiet
z = invcdf(z, 1 - (1-a[i])/2)
string code = colcodes[i]
printf "'%s' using 1:($2-%g*$3):($2+%g*$3) notitle lc rgb
\"0x%s\" w filledcurve, \\\n", \
dfname, z, z, code
printf "'%s' using 1:2 w lines lt 1\n", dfname
outfile --close
outfile @dfname --write --quiet
loop i = 1..rows(X) --quiet
scalar tt = $obsmajor[i] + ($pd>1 ? ($obsminor[i] - 1)/$pd : 0)
printf "%g\t%g\t%g\n", tt, X[i,1], X[i,2]
outfile --close
return gfname
end function
# usage example
nulldata 48
setobs 12 1990:1 --special-time-series
scalar n = $nobs
series y = 0.1*time + filter(0.5*mnormal(n,1), 1, {1.8, -0.9})
series se = cum(time<$nobs/1.5 ? NA : uniform())
matrix alphas = {.83, 0.95, 0.99}
string haha = fanchart(y, se, alphas)
gnuplot --input=@haha --output=display
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
(formerly known as Università di Ancona)