The command used to work, but since an update to GNUPlot (not gretl's fault) it
doesn't. I am asking if anyone knows of a quick command to add various dashed line
options (again this is a bit off topic but I assume someone else in the gretl community
has dealt with this). The idea is to make a plot that is in color but also works in
grayscale for print publication.
Am 01.09.2016 um 15:25 schrieb Logan Kelly:
This is a GNUPlot question, so feel free to indicate it is off topic.
Is there a replacement for the command
set termoption dashed
in the version of GNUPlot packaged with the current snapshot?
Not sure what you mean. Are you asking if the command would work with the bundled gnuplot,
or do you know it doesn't work and asking what to do instead?
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