re Jack's suggestion of stopwatching my jobs, I try to explain more
clearly my question: there _are_ big differences in execution time, that
is 100% sure. It may depend, for unclear reasons, on the (i) the total
number of jobs or (ii) the number of Gretl jobs or (iii) both. Given
that I cannot control RAM and CPU use of other useres I cannot measure
the coeteris paribus effect of changing the number of my simultaneous
Gretl jobs. So the question is: does anybody know if there are any
reasons why running more than one Gretl job at a time may affect speed?
Stefano Fachin
Professore Ordinario di Statistica Economica
Dip. di Scienze Statistiche
"Sapienza" Università di Roma
P.le A. Moro 5 - 00185 Roma - Italia
Tel. +39-06-49910834
fax +39-06-49910072