Good day por you:
Last days I'm making a graphs for a work, when I tried to graph a
bandplot with values tiny it appear wrong. I looked the code and find:
In the gnuplot code generated appear:
plot '-' using 1:($2-1.96*$3):($2+1.96*$3) notitle lc rgb "#efefef" w
filledcurve, \
0 notitle w lines lt 0, \
'-' using 1:2 title 'uAC' w lines lt 1
2000 1 0.2507141113
The value 1 after 2000 it's the central value for the band in the
generated code but my script code was:
gnuplot u$i --time-series --band=0, band$i, 1.96 --with-lines \
--output=display --band-style=fill,0xefefef
I check others graphs and always appear the 1 value, for big values
there isn't problem but for tiny values the band appear in the wrong place.
The coding gretl solution: change the value 1 for the first argument in
the --band option.
Best regards,
Luis Salazar