At 15:14 2006-12-21, you wrote:
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On Thu, December 21, 2006 13:54, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> Allin Cottrell schrieb:
>> The estimators you mention are good candidates for inclusion at some
>> point, but I don't know how soon -- there are lots of things to be done
>> and only two of us actually coding on gretl.
>> Allin.
> I am certainly not against including new features in gretl, but given
> the scarce resources, maybe Jack and you should think of a policy that
> determines when a new feature should be implemented via the great new
> function package mechanism (i.e. doable by many others), and when it has
> to be coded (in C) in gretl itself (i.e. Allin or Jack have to do it).
I'm personally inclined to say that from now on everything that can reasonably
done via a user function should be done that way. I say "reasonably" because
our scripting infrastructure is, as of now, not sophisticated enough to
support computationally demanding methods.
When I use gretl in my teaching for students in statistics or
econometrics at a basic level, it is as a replacement for Minitab or
EViews. To let them do the tasks I am giving them, it would be to
hard for them to write scripts and use other programming
skills. They want to have a point-and-click GUI like the one in
EViews or Minitab, which I think the gretl GUI can be compared with
in usability. For this purpose, script based user function is thus
not enough, but it has to be a GUI for these tasks. That's why I have
asked for inclusion of some features.
Best regards, and thanks for a great software